Glenreagh Public School

Learn by doing in a safe and caring environment.

Telephone02 6649 2133

Parents and Citizens Information

What is a Parents & Citizens Association?

A Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) is a school based organisation consisting of parents, teachers, interested citizens and students. They exist in most public schools in NSW and are constituted to bring the school and the community into close co-operation. P & C's are a great tradition and have long been recognised as the representative voice of parents with children in public schools.

 Benefits of a P&C

1. To enable parents to meet together to determine the needs and aspirations of the school community.

2. Where the Principal attends the meeting, to allow him/her to update parents as to current and forthcoming school activities and programs.

3. To provide a forum for parents to participate in the development of plans and policies for the running of the school.

4. To provide an opportunity for parents to ask questions about the school's educational programs and thus seek to understand the changes in education over the last 30 years.

The Glenreagh P&C 

The P&C office bearers are elected at the Annual General Meeting in Term 1.

The following positions are elected from parents and citizens of our local community:

  1. President
  2. Secretary
  3. Treasurer

P&C members include the above office-bearers as well as the following elected position holders, where warranted:

  1. Canteen Supervisor
  2. Fundraising Coordinator
  3. Uniform Coordinator

The duties of the office-bearers and other position holders are outlined as follows:


The President has a responsibility to ensure the successful functioning of the P&C, the attainment of its objectives, to foster the fair participation of all members and to adhere to the constitution. As the name implies the President presides at all meetings of the P&C and the Executive Committee, and convenes the Executive Committee as required, and is also ex-officio a member of all Sub-committees. The duties of the President include preserving order at a P&C meeting, ruling on contentious matters of procedure and assisting the progress of discussion, as well as remaining impartial when in the Chair during debates. The President may represent the P&C at official functions and act as the P&C spokesperson when public statements or actions are appropriate. The President should ensure that new members are made to feel welcome.


The Secretary is the principle administrative officer of the P&C and is responsible for carrying out the decisions of the meeting unless otherwise stipulated. The Secretary prepares in consultation with the President all meeting agendas and is required to attend every P&C meeting and take notes of the discussions in order to produce a set of minutes for distribution to members. The Secretary is asked to table all incoming correspondence and write and send all outgoing correspondence.


The Treasurer is responsible for the sound financial management of the P&C. The Treasurer can receive and deposit monies, maintain records, draw cheques and present accounts, in the form of a report, at each general meeting. Internet banking is also an option for the treasurer. Should the Treasurer require advice about correct financial management protocols, they can telephone the P&C Federation. The Treasurer maintains a list of financial (voting) members of the P&C, presents all records for auditing each year and ensures that the audited accounts are tabled for adoption at the Annual General Meeting.

Duties of other position holders are as follows:

Canteen Supervisor

As with the above positions, the Canteen Supervisor is a volunteer elected by the P&C at the AGM. The Canteen Supervisor is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the canteen, including placing orders, cost effective purchasing, and receiving and checking all supplies delivered against the invoice. Once verified, invoices should be signed, dated and processed for payment and recordkeeping. The Canteen Supervisor in conjunction with the Canteen Sub-committee makes a recommendation to the P&C as to the prices of food sold at the Canteen, with a view to providing good value, whilst also maintaining a reasonable level of profit. Each school term the Canteen Supervisor also prepares a roster of volunteers to work in and/or cook for the Canteen on the days of operation. A brief report is required by the Canteen Supervisor at each P&C meeting, and each AGM.

Fundraising Officer

Where a Fundraising Coordinator is not elected, duties are shared across the Committee. Although a P&C is not required to apply for an authority to fundraise, the Office of Charities fully expects that all P&Cs will conform with the Charitable Fundraising Act and its regulations. The Fundraising Officer is required to assess all suggestions and ideas for raising funds and to present to the P&C a timetable of events for the forthcoming year, including proposed expenditure and estimated income, for their approval. In conjunction with volunteer helpers the Fundraising Officer is responsible for co-ordinating the organisation of an event, managing the expenses, receiving and banking the income of that event and forwarding all receipts to the Treasurer for expense reimbursement and recordkeeping. A brief report is required from the Fundraising Officer at each P&C meeting.

Membership of the NSW P&C Association

Membership will be open to all parents of pupils attending the school and to all citizens of the school community. A register of membership is maintained by the Treasurer and updated after every AGM, although you are welcome to join at any time. The annual subscription fee is $2 and once a member of the P&C you are eligible to vote on decisions at P&C meetings after the payment of your subscription. Once payment has been made you are eligible to vote at the next meeting.

Meetings of the Glenreagh P&C

Meetings are held at the Glenreagh School two times a term on the third and eighth Friday of the term commencing at 3.15pm. Meeting dates are notified in advance in the school newsletter sent home with students on a Wednesday. The agenda is set before the meeting by the Secretary in consultation with the President and your contributions beforehand are most welcome, either by contacting a Committee member or writing down your question / suggestion / complaint and leaving it at the front office where it will be passed onto the P&C Secretary.

One of the main aims of our P&C meetings is to reach a decision acceptable to the majority of the meeting and to formulate a plan of action. To vote on a decision at the meeting you need to be a paid-up member of the P&C (contact the P&C Treasurer to organise) and you need to attend the meeting as there is no provision for proxy/absentee votes in the standard P&C Association Constitution.

It is not essential that members attend every meeting however regular attendance is the best way to find out what is happening. It will also ensure that decisions are carried out and funds spent according to the wishes of the majority.

School Canteen

The Canteen is a service provided by the P&C and is operated by the Canteen Supervisor in conjunction with the Canteen Sub-committee. A roster is prepared each term for volunteer helpers. The children love to see their parent/carer on Canteen duty, and it is a great way of getting to know other parents and children. If you can spare a day to lend a hand in the canteen please contact the School.

The Canteen is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and if you are a helper you need to be there from 9.00am - 11.00. The duties of the helpers are straightforward and the Canteen Supervisor will support you. As a helper you are required to follow the hygiene guidelines also listed in the Canteen. It doesn't matter how much/often you help - children just remember you're there.

The Canteen menu seeks to provide a range of healthy and nutritious food, including fresh sandwiches, hot foods, juices and flavoured milks. A current canteen price list is enclosed; if you have any suggestions or would like to share some recipes, please jot them down and pass them onto the Canteen Supervisor.


Making a difference to your child's education involves participation and your P&C is one way you can get involved and find out what is happening in your school. It is a great way to get to know the parents of your children's friends and others and to be involved in decisions that may affect your child or interests. The P&C is open to everyone and by working together we are investing in our children, our school, and the Glenreagh community.