Dear Stage 3 families,
Here are some resources and links for you to continue working from home into Term 2. I hope that all
parents/caregivers and students have been able to access Class Dojo as this is where I will be posting learning tasks
and links to tutorial videos etc. to support students’ learning at home. Please check the class story each day and
encourage students to check on their own devices. If you have any trouble in accessing this platform please email
me , phone the school or contact me on my mobile in the event that staff are no
longer at school, 0418582028. Students should be reading, writing and completing some Mathematics work every
day. It is important to keep up this routine as newly formed learning and skills will soon be forgotten if they are not
continually practiced. I have also included a “Living History” task that is relevant to our current situation, living
through a significant event. This will be a major assessment task for History this term so ensure that a large amount
of time and effort is put into doing a good job on this task. If you have any problems with logins, passwords or
accessing resources let me know. There is also a Glenreagh Public School Learning Online YouTube channel that
lessons will be uploaded to
Behind The News is a fabulous resource for years 3-6 students and the web site has classroom ideas you can use
with your child to prompt discussion. New episodes come out every Tuesday.
I would also recommend Pobble 365 as a writing resource. It includes a writing stimulus, a writing activity and
other literacy activities. Students’ personal writing goals were sent home in the Term 1 package, let me know if
you need another copy of these. It would be beneficial for students to keep working on these goals.
I will post writing tasks with success criteria on Class Dojo regularly so that students can complete writing just as
we would normally in class. They can take photos of their work and post to their Class Dojo Portfolio for me to
give feedback.
Students can continue to study words that they have spelled incorrectly in their writing. I have also created
Spelling City accounts and will change the words on here each week. Students login to Spelling City using their
normal computer logins (e.g. Jessica.fowler13) and use the password 123.
Students can continue to access Epic for reading. Our class code is dns0938.
I will also be posting recordings on myself reading focus texts for our English unit. Please listen to these and
complete the assigned tasks. Our major novel study will be “Wonder” as we study the concept of “Point of View.”
I will read chapters each day that can be listened to. I will also send out a PDF of the text on Class Dojo for
students to read along.
I will assign online Mathletics tasks for students to complete. I will be able to login and check their results. All
families have indicated that they have internet access and devices so I have not printed any worksheet materials.
If this situation changes, let me know and print outs can be organised.
There will be number talks conducted on Zoom 3 times per week. The Year 3-6 number talks will be at 10.30am
Monday, Wednesday, Friday. The codes to join these meetings will be posted on the school Facebook and on Class
Dojo at the relevant times. It is important that students attend these so that they can continue learning in a
collaborative way, discuss numeracy concepts and engage in lessons with the class teacher similar to being at
I will be creating some video tutorials to share with students. Links to these will be posted on Class Dojo. If you
have any questions about maths content please let me know (students and parents) as this can be the focus of a
I have created Studyladder logins for students. Studyladder includes English and Mathematics tasks. I will also
conduct some Nearpod interactive lessons for Mathematics and for our English novel study. Lesson codes for
these will be posted on Class Dojo.
There are many interesting documentaries you can view with your child and have a discussion afterwards. Maybe
they could summarise important points for example.
Students may continue working on their Term 1 Science assessment if this has not yet been completed. Please
upload work to Class Dojo once it is complete. This task was the major assessment for Term 1 so please spend
time doing a good job.
There is a History task for students to complete based on “living history.” Students have flexibility in how they
present this task. Again, this is a major assessment item so please take care in completing it to the highest of
standards. A video will be released explaining exactly what to do for this task. Please feel free to ask any questions
as needed.
Continue encouraging students to explore their creativity. Some suggested links will be posted on the school
Continue engaging in physical activity each day, this is important for a healthy body and mind. I will post some
personal development lessons and tasks on the Class Dojo each week.
I would love to be able support students by answering their questions or yours so if you have any questions or require support in utilising this package please contact me via Dojo, phone the school 66492133 or email me at
Kind regards
Jessica Fowler
Home Learning package 2 (28 April 2020)
Numeracy - Data
Writing - The truth about penguins
Living history - Living history assignment
Home Learning Package 1 (24 March 2020)
Numeracy - Maths workbook
Literacy - Literacy Support
Science - Science tasks
Multiple Intelligence Grid - Aboriginal Australia
Class Dojo - Class dojo
Framework for teaching (non digital) - Framework